(Investigator 172,
2017 January)
Frank Russo has an IQ of 160 and has 576 articles on his website
authored mostly by himself — a man uniquely intelligent.
In Investigator 160 Mr Russo
expounded a "Rainmaking Proposal" which he
previously sent to Australia's Science Minister. Russo says in article
#468 on his website: "It certainly appears as if my rain-making project
is now being used on a large scale. There have been unprecedented rains
all over this Australian continent..."
Russo has studied Relativity for over 25 years. Dozens of his articles
deal with Albert Einstein, speed of light, gravity and other
topics in
astronomy. In article #130 Russo says: "Einstein is held up as a rare
genius... The truth, however, is very different. Einstein was an inept
and moronic person..."
Besides Climate and Relativity Russo also tackles religion, physiology
and health. In article #576 Russo asks "Is our ribcage an exoskeleton
which is choking many of us to death!" He says that the ribcage, like
an exoskeleton, has limited "expansionary flexibility". Therefore, when
adults "pack on the weight" some of the weight "moves down ... because
there is no ribcage there to block its expansion". Such people soon
notice a problem:
For a start they would
not be able to tie their own shoelaces...
secondly their mobility would be greatly reduced, with the danger of
easily toppling over — being top heavy... they would also find it very
difficult to get out of bed unassisted... furthermore getting up off the floor may become almost impossible, if
they were to
fall over. It must also be mentioned that their hygiene would suffer,
particularly because they would be unable to view and monitor their
genital area, as their protruding abdomen would block their vision.
Finally: of course getting adequate air through proper breathing is by
far the most serious issue...
Popular on Russo's website is #54 "Door to Door Muscleman Gets Second
Thoughts" which originally appeared in Investigator Magazine and gives
biographical material. Amazing is article #543, titled "What the
medical world should be working on", where Russo reveals some unusual
Mr Russo's son, Joel, occasionally helps out. Article #497 by Joel
proposes a cure for "drug induced dry eyes". He suggests rubbing onion
juice "around the orbits of the eyes" and "the relief that the flow of
natural tears brings is incredible!" Investigator
has not confirmed
this; therefore check with your doctor.
Thought-provoking is article #469 "Neuroplasticity and the 'little
people' theory":
My physics has shown
that there are an infinite amount of smaller and
smaller particles in the universe, and these are in turn constantly
aggregating themselves to build bigger and bigger entities... It
therefore stands to reason, that we as living beings are simply
aggregations of smaller and smaller living conscious entities!
In my many writings I've often referred to the next
level 'down' as
being the world where our atoms would be the equivalent of universes,
and where gravity would be 10 to the 40 times stronger because of the
much smaller physiological meter, hence their world would - to us -
appear much faster! This concept is not that strange at all... and it's
very similar to what the Star Wars movies expound, namely that we're
all made-up of 'little creatures'... I've often called these "10 to the
minus 40 gnomes".
My theory says that it is these "10 to the minus 40
little people", that generate our consciousness....
Well I now have indisputable evidence for these 'little
people' as a mobile entity for consciousness! ...
To read the indisputable evidence go to Mr Russo's website. And while
you are there, read also the other 575
(Investigator 173, 2017 March)
Regarding the IQ of 160 attributed to me in Investigator 172 page 44.
In my youth I scored 170 but age and illness have probably reduced this
by now substantially.
Frank P. Russo