(Investigator 159, 2014 November)

A Drop of Ink To Make Millions Think (1985) Dianne Vecchiet and Helen Hazell

I found a filthy, dilapidated copy of this 92-page book during a walk among sheoaks and "prickly acacia" on unused land on Kangaroo Island.

The book represents a cross-section of "Thoughts for the Day" shared by attendees at S.W.A.P. breakfasts to inspire one another.

SWAP stands for "Salesmen With A Purpose".

SWAP Clubs Australia was founded by John Nevin in 1973 to encourage high standards among sales and business people and included a weekly hour-long breakfast.

The inspiring ideas in A Drop of Ink To Make Millions Think start in the Introduction where Dianne Vecchiet writes:
A vision without a task is a dream,
A task without a vision is drudgery —
The two combined make for SUCCESS.

The "thoughts" are organized into fifteen chapters.

Many come from Power Ideas for Happy Family and Discover Your Possibilities (1972 & 1978) by Robert H. Schuller, Gentle Freedom, Gentle Courage (1980) Diane Westlake, and This Is Your Life (1978) Susan Polis Schutz.

The thoughts on page 76 are typical and include:

And a few from page 77:

SWAP seems religious in character. Andrew West, writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, reported there were three SWAP clubs in Sydney with 350 members and says: “A SWAP breakfast … begins with a prayer and the national anthem…” (June 8, 1988)

The thoughts in A Drop of Ink To Make Millions Think are meant to advance your personal growth and goals, encourage you to become better than you are, and increase your sales.           