Bob Potter

(Investigator 115,  2007 July)

When the doorbell rings at a busy time, but not too busy, and the caller turns out to be a Jehovah’s Witness, or a Mormon – or maybe, in the imminent future, a Muslim – "carrying out God’s work", one might be reluctant to decline the opportunity for ‘talking some sense’ to the caller, although not really ‘in gear’ to search the bookcase and desk for books and notes accumulated over many years.

Recently, I made a marvelous discovery on Google! – and have already put it to good.

Picture the scene.

It’s a Sunday morning, "bbbringggg" goes the doorbell. At the door are two elderly regulars, from the nearby Kingdom Hall. "Come in", I say, and put in motion the tea making process.

As is usual, a sister wants to read me a verse from her Bible. I say OK, "but I’d like to follow the text you are reading in the King James version" … adding that "being lazy, I have the full King James text on the computer; so quick and easy to turn up any Bible reference in this way".

My guests are sitting just a few feet away and don’t actually see the screen, but are clearly stunned at the speed with which I read them the specified text from the screen.

What they haven’t realized, however, is that I’ve logged into The Skeptics Annotated Bible, which not only offers the KJ translation, but in the column alongside each verse are references to other Bible texts saying something rather different.

On the first occasion I followed this tactic, the result impressed my guests, who became speechless!

"God cannot lie" I had been assured, and before the sister had finished reading the verse to me, I had "off the top of my head" referred them to Ezekiel 14:9, 2 Thessalonians 2:11 and four other quotes, all giving examples of a mendacious God.

The same Skeptic site offers the same service (and many other ‘services’!) for the Quran and the Book of Mormon!

The link is "ongoing"; any browsers with information to offer are warmly welcomed!