(Investigator 84, 2002 May)
A sensation of recent years is American "archaeologist" Ron Wyatt. Mr Wyatt is expert at discovering things that other archaeologists miss – Sodom and Gomorrah, Mount Sinai, the Ark of the Covenant, coins and chariot wheels from the Exodus period, the blood of Jesus, and Noah's Ark. He sells video-tapes of his discoveries and advertises on the Internet.
Joe Zias,
Curator of
Israel Antiquities Authority, says:
Investigator has published many articles about Creationism and Noah's Flood. So far the locations of the Flood or of the Ark have not been identified – this remains a challenge for defenders of the Bible. One useful conclusion on the Bible side is an analysis of Hebrew words showing that insects and other creepy-crawlies were not invited on board. (Investigator 49) Hence creationists can ignore the embarrassing image of millions of beetle species – a column 200 kilometres long – marching toward the Ark.
Below are some
of Noah's Ark:
- The Ark being built – Elementary Bible History. 1925. Concordia.
- Investigator No. 3 – elephant, man and whale relative to the Ark.
- Seventh Day Adventist portrayal of animals entering the Ark. (White, J.E. 1906. The Coming King. Signs of the Times Publications).
- Saunders, J. (Ed.) The People's Journal. Volume IV, 1848, p. 71.
- IMSI's Master Clips Collection.
- Source unknown
[Note: The pictures/portrayals are here omitted.]