(Investigator 51, 1996 November)

"They put forth a challenge. John answered it. In the end they didn't want to debate with him."

That's how the chairman introduced John Hutchinson to a seminar on cults at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Adelaide.

Mr Hutchinson spoke on Christadelphian history along the lines of his debate with Jim Luke in Investigator from which Mr Luke withdrew after Round 2.

A member of the audience said, "Christadelphians are some of the rudest persons I ever talked to; they didn't want to know my viewpoint at all."

The audience of 26 included four persons who left the Christadelphians earlier this year
Jim,  Alison, David and Heather. All four now attend  a Baptist church.

Alison;           David;           Heather;           Jim

Heather grew  up as a Christadelphian. "I felt very, very down," she said. "I prayed for the Holy Spirit.

"I read and applied the book Power In Praise by Merlin Carothers. It changed my life.

"Sure Hope Ministries were very helpful to us. All my family no longer want to know me.

"It's very painful. But there's joy in knowing you're saved."

The coordinator for the lecture was Bruce McKenzie of Sure Hope Ministries an interdenominational group which reaches out to members of "cults".

On offer were tapes, books and pamphlets about Christadelphians and a reprint of Mr Hutchinson's debate with Jim Luke.