(Investigator  25, 1992 July)

Predictions in an expensive new book on Nostradamus are already failing.

The book says: " Prince Charles will take the British throne in 1991 when he is still 42... Charles will be crowned on 2nd May 1992." 

One of the two authors, housewife Valerie Hewitt, appeared on Adelaide TV about May 7th and, sounding confident, claimed there were two other possible dates for the fulfilment
May 8 and 17.

Nostradamus The End of the Millennium (1991) is based on a new method of decoding the quatrains [of Nostradamus] and gives many definite predictions for between now and 2001 down to the month and day and even the hour.

Hewitt claims that one of the quatrains actually names her: "as the firs
t and only – person to decode the predictions accurately."

An editor of Investigator received the book from a Nostradamus fan who was so disgusted with the book he wanted to be rid of it.


Comment on front-cover predictions

(Investigator 192, 2020 May)

1992: Prediction wrong. George Bush lost the 1992 presidential election to Democrat Bill Clinton.

1993: Prediction wrong. Earthquakes in California occur regularly but none are listed for 1993.

1993: Prediction wrong. Cancer is still alive.

1993: Prediction wrong. Page 104 limits "America Burns" to the US. However, destructive wildfires occur somewhere in the US nearly every year especially in California. Therefore a mere guess, without psychic powers, for a particular year has a fair chance of being correct. Page 104 says: "Over the years to 1996, this problem increases until  almost every state experiences it." This  did not happen.

1995: Prediction wrong. Wikipedia on "Ozone Depletion" does not mention a "New Hole in the Ozone Layer" in 1995.

1995-2000: Predictions wrong. The predictions regarding Black Holes, Aliens, New World Religion and Mission to Mars are wrong, as is virtually the entire 207-page book. Princess Diana for example, "will become a queen who joins her pensive king [i.e. Charles] in reviving a fleeting monarchy." (p.25) Princess Diana died after a car crash in 1997.,_Princess_of_Wales

For a more academic and non-partisan examination of Nostradamus and his supposed predictions than Valerie Hewitt and Peter Lorie have supplied, see The Mask of Nostradamus (1990; paperback 1993) by James Randi.

A review of The Mask of Nostradamus in New Scientist magazine says: "In 1555, Paris had 30,000 working psychics: astrologers, soothsayers, alchemists, and sorcerers. Today an estimated 8000 psychics are active in New York City." (New Scientist, 10 November, 1990, p. 46)

With such vast numbers of prognosticators predicting the future it would not be surprising if by chance some make enough accurate predictions, including vague predictions that seem accurate because of their vagueness, to acquire a favourable reputation. How does
Nostradamus compare? He clearly was a prognosticator who does not have "enough accurate predictions" to justify the faith and effort that many authors have put into interpreting him.