(Investigator 144, 2012
Greetings from Adelaide,
I see your address is in Port Adelaide. Back in the late 1990s I
had some conversations with some one from Port Adelaide that
was publicly against JWs.
Well anyway I just stumbled across your web site and read a
few of the things and I was quite amused at these comments:
"Get the facts on this website. The truth about JWs".
I read a few pages, and a lot of what I read certainly was not the
truth but half truths. If I was to find time to reply to some of those
things, would you put them on your website?
By the way I am an active JW, but I do have a problem with the
authority that the GB wields. As far as the basic teachings of
JWs I can not fault.
I would especially like to address the "So Called Prophecies"
because I will show NO Prophecies (in the Biblical sense) were uttered.
Brenton Hepburn
received are initially published in the magazine and after that go on
the website. You are welcome to contribute. Ed.
Mr Hepburn failed to send any information.
Therefore an article titled "Jehovah's Prophet" was
published in #149 to show
that JWs follow a prophet who "speaks in the
divine name" and
Reach "Jehovah's
Witnesses" and
"Jehovah's Prophet" via the links below: