(Investigator 75, 2000 November)

Imagine awesome intellects risking their credibility in debates to the finish with rival world-views in the balance...

We've had Jerry Bergman, for example, with three Ph.Ds and his critic Dr Potter who lamented:  "I only managed to achieve one of them." (No. 66 p. 25)

The stars of the most prolonged Bible battles are "Anonymous", Kirk Straughen and John H Williams.

A mere reading of the headings indicates the intensity of debate and the wide-ranging nature of the evidence.

Kirk Straughen


61    Historicity of O T Characters  Anonymous  1998 July p. 44

60    Making Sense of Jesus' Prophecy Anonymous 1998 May p. 18

60    The Bible: Word of God or Man?  K Straughen  1998 May p. 10

61    The Bible Portrays God as Merciful Anonymous  1998 July p. 5
        Reply to Straughen by Paul p. 57
        God Creates Evil  B J Kotwall  p. 6

62    Williams to Paul 1998 September p. 4
        Straughen to Paul (Defending the Indefensible) p. 26
        Newbrook to Paul on Straughen p. 29

62    Faith Cures  K Straughen  1998 September p. 10
62    Response to Straughen on Lot (62 p. 26) Anonymous 1998 November p. 4
        Faith Healing – Reply to Straughen Anonymous p. 6

63    Satan's Existence Anonymous 1998 November p. 50

68    Brief Report – Exorcisms are Real 1999 September p. 42

63    Four Letters – Newbrook, Kretser, Straughen, Williams 1999 January

64    Response to Four Critics  Anonymous  1999 March p. 30

66    Four Skeptics Reply  1999 May  pp. 4, 5, 6, 16

67    Response to Four Critics  Part 2  Anonymous 1999 July p. 16

68    Response by Two of Four Skeptics 1999 September p. 19

69    Response to Two Critics Anonymous 1999 November p. 24

70    Further Response to Anonymous  M Newbrook 2000 January p. 10

71    Response to Newbrook (No. 70 p. 10)  Anonymous  2000 March p. 29

72    Discussion Closes  M Newbrook  2000 May p. 4

62    Religious Debate Hindered (=Letters) Part 3 B Stett 1998 September p. 23

62    Asteroids and their Impact  Anonymous  1998 September p. 34

63    Asteroid Data O.K.  J H Williams 1998 November p. 5

64    Fire and Brimstone Response to Williams Anonymous 1999 Jan. p. 4

68    Brief Report – Rock from Space May Hit; Wrong Crater Age 1999 September p. 42

65    Excellent Arguments vs. the Best Case  F Russo  1999 March p. 4

63    Biblical Pseudoscience  K Straughen  1998 November p. 38

64    The Bible: Scientifically Accurate Anonymous 1999 January p. 14

66    Biblical Pseudoscience Part 2  K Straughen  1999 May p. 30
        The Bible: Scientifically Accurate Part 2 Anonymous 1999 May p. 33

67    Mustard, etc – Reply to Anon  K Straughen 1999 July p. 4

68    Reply to Straughen (No. 67 p. 4)  Anonymous 1999 September p. 51

66    Doomsday Prophecies B Stett 1999 May p. 38

67    False Christian Prophecy Supports the Bible Anonymous 1999 July p.5
        Investigator on Floppy Discs F Russo 1999 July p. 5
        Brief Report – Golden Calf 1999 July p. 28

68    Letters to Other Publications Reprinted Part 4  B Stett 1999 Sept. p.12
        Advertisement: Daniel: A Short Apologetical Commentary  Anonymous
        p. 18
        The Bible On Oceanography Anonymous p. 44

69    Response to The Bible on Oceanography J H Williams p. 20
        Response to Williams Response To…Oceanography Anonymous p. 22

69    Popular Folklore L Eddie 1999 November p. 16

68    Christian Morality D Dowling 1999 September p. 22 p. 22

69    Two Gentlemen Misunderstand Anonymous 1999 November p. 4

69    The Bible: A Sanction For Evil K Straughen 1999 November p. 34

76    The Bible on Slavery Anonymous 2000 November p.

69    Virgin Birth, Resurrection, Angels, 72 Hours D Dowling 1999 Nov. p. 44

69    It’s All In The Imagination B De Kretser 1999 November p. 5

70    Not Praising An "Imaginary God" Anonymous 2000 January p. 4

70    701 BC  (Advertisement) 2000 January p. 54        
71    The God of the Prophets Versus the Assyrian Empire 2000 March
        Anonymous p. 36

69    Brief Report: Cousin Caveman 1999 Nov. p. 7

71    Adam and Eve Not Neanderthals  Anonymous 2000 March p. 5

71    The Improbable And The Absurd  J H Williams 2000 March p. 18
        The Bible: Tested; True; Triumphant  Anonymous 2000 March p. 22

70    Investigator Readers Anonymous  2000 January p. 37

71    Response to Anonymous in Investigator Readers J H Williams  2000
        March p. 27
        Response to Williams' Criticism…  Anonymous  2000 March p. 28

72    Response to "Anon" (Investigator 71) J H Williams  2000 May p. 22

73    Debilitating Jonah Debate – Unbelievable (Letter)  B J Kotwall  2000
        May p. 4

73    Response to Williams (Investigator 72)  Anonymous  2000 July p. 25

73    Genesis of Gods K Straughen 2000 July 1 p. 16

74    Straughen’s Genesis of Gods Anonymous 2000 September p. 14


Frank Russo

(Investigator 65, 1999 March)
Mr Straughen is very perceptive and thorough and supplying some excellent arguments against the Bible.

However, "Anonymous" is establishing the best case for the inerrancy of the Bible (or as he puts it the original Scriptures) I've ever come across. He is doing far better than any sect I've encountered.

Probably no Christian would even debate the Bible's accuracy in a magazine open to skeptics. They collect donations, ask for money and build organizations but won't defend in open debate the book by which they justify this.

I'm keen to see how the debate will continue.

Frank Russo


