Mark Newbrook was born near Liverpool (UK) in 1956. His first degree was in Classics (from Oxford) and he moved on to study Linguistics at the University of Reading, obtaining his PhD in 1982.He has taught and researched in Singapore, Hong Kong, Perth and since 1990 at Monash University in Melbourne, where he is a Senior Lecturer. His main fields of expertise are dialectology, historical linguistics and of late 'skeptical linguistics', the application of skeptical methods to 'fringe' or controversial ideas about language (and to apparently dubious aspects of mainstream linguistics).
Mark has been interested in non-standard theories since his teens. His non-linguistic skeptical interests are many, but the two main ones are cryptozoology and non-standard accounts of ancient history/prehistory (the latter often links in with aspects of his skeptical linguistics, such as non-standard claims about ancient languages and scripts).
His other interests include philosophy (especially the philosophy of science and the philosophy of religion), history, science (especially astronomy and palaeontology), science fiction and fantasy, 'heritage tourism', rugby league (he was active in starting the game at Oxford and is now a Melbourne Storm member), cricket, Australian Rules football, music, beer, etc.
(Investigator 75, 2000 November)