Eastman, Bob & Loretta

Robert Eastman, 58, was a computer operator for NASA in the 1960s and later a loan officer and property valuer for 14 years. He has attended three universities (Arizona, Hawaii and Japan) where he did Asian studies.

Bob still studies history as a hobby, writes letters to newspaper editors on political and economic questions, and travels extensively -- a total of 70 countries to date. He has lived in Adelaide for ten years.

Bob is an atheist: " When you die you're dead. Therefore it's up to you to do as much good as you can while you're here."

Loretta Eastman has worked for 20 years teaching English as a second language to immigrants. Her interests are gardening, sculpting, bridge and reading.

Loretta is an agnostic: "I believe in a higher power but not in the dogma."

(Investigator 69, 1999 November)