
A bit about myself: My name is a nom de plume. I had articles published in earlier issues of Investigator with several noms de plume. There is a reason for this, part of it being I changed sex fourteen years ago and then dropped out of circulation.

I have now re-established friendships with Laurie Eddie and others in Adelaide.

I used to have a disastrous love life but for sixteen years have been in a stable relationship seeing my other half only once a week.

I am now retired and in my early fifties.

I was a prosecuting barrister with the Commonwealth Attorney General's Department for seven years before my health collapsed.

I have a Degree in Law with First Class Honors and a Degree in Commerce, both from the University of Adelaide. Although retired I still renew my practicing certificate every year.

My interests vary. I am an expert in Jehovah's Witnesses and wrote a book about them in the late 1980s. Currently I am writing a comprehensive history of World War Two and also plan to submit articles again to Investigator.

As a side interest I am teaching myself mathematics and philosophy to university level. So I am very busy.

(Investigator 116, 2007 September)