Investigator 75, 2000 November


(From: Investigator 75, 2000 November)

Investigator Magazine
is on the Internet.

The Home Page ... has six links that in turn link to articles reproduced from Investigator.

At present only a few dozen articles are available "on line" but it's planned to increase this, perhaps to hundreds.

The idea to publish on the "Web" came from Investigator subscriber Burjin J Kotwall.  In early 1996 he arranged for an article to go on a Norwegian website and by letter (February 26) announced:

The INVESTIGATOR is launched into Cyberspace today!
(Investigator 48 1996 May p. 4)
In September 1996 the editor bought a computer and took the first tentative steps to using it.

In May 1997 he went to a library to try out the Internet and watched a young woman to see how to go about it.  A 1-page news sheet titled Investigator News explained what happened:

Tracy K, 27, turned out to be an unemployed teacher of business studies.
Agreement was reached for free personal tuition in computer use at Mr Stett's home.
Disk-copying, graphics, news-sheets, Internet Service Providers, scanner use,  etc,  were tackled.
How did free help come about initially?
"He asked and got lucky," said Ms K.
(1997 September Issue 1)
Tracy Kong eventually became a police constable and her assistance gradually decreased.

A graduate of information technology, Richard Schmidt, took over and took the editor through website preparation and other steps associated with getting a website up.